Contribuez à la création de données open-source.
Investissez dans des datasets prometteurs.
dGrants permet aux projets à impact d’obtenir des financements pour leur collecte de données open-source. Nous aidons ces porteurs à publier leurs résultats en tant que Digital Public Good, bénéficiant ainsi à l'ensemble des écosystèmes.
Soutenir l'open-sourcedRaise met en relation des investisseurs engagés avec des projets de création de données à fort impact. Percevez des royalties lorsque ces datasets sont échangés.
Investir avec nousDeveloping countries represent 50% of the global economy, yet only 2 to 3% of investments are directed towards these areas. By offering a transparent and community-based approach, with one foot in the African vibrant innovation ecosystem and the other in the international financial landscape, we are committed to providing non-dilutive financing opportunities for impactful projects and exclusive impact opportunities for socially-engaged enterprises in underexplored and high-potential markets.
Our team is based in Accra (Ghana) and Paris (France).
With a robust footprint in Africa, d-Node has established a substantial network spanning the continent.
The prior engagements of our members with projects in these areas have yielded valuable insights into development issues and key stakeholders.
Additionally, d-Node leverages the resources of the Innovation Routes NGO, established over two years ago to highlight innovative projects in underserved regions. Our network comprises NGOs, start-ups, innovation hubs, and other actors, all aligned under a shared social mission.